

Waarom is energie niet echt transparant?

Onze mystery shoppers checken dagelijks alle tarieven.

Sinds ongeveer een jaar zit de energiesector op slot en prijzen gaan door het dak heen. Voor het eerst hanteert de overheid een prijsplafond. Energieleveranciers gaan failliet. Het zijn bizarre tijden. Online kun je al tijden geen goede vergelijking doen want er is geen aanbod. Toch zijn de prijsverschillen tussen energieleveranciers juist nu enorm.

Naar Energieleveranciers
Waarom is energie niet echt transparant?
Onze experts zoeken elke dag opheldering

Landelijk Steunpunt Energie

Wij steunen iedereen die even tijd wil maken voor de energie.

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Our insurance plans are designed to provide financial security for families of all stages and sizes.


Welk abonnement je ook kiest, we hebben ervoor gezorgd dat het geen invloed heeft op het maandbudget van je gezin.

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Veelgestelde vragen

  • Kan ik mijn voorschotnota wijzigen?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Is een vast contract al weer beschikbaar?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Waar kan ik meterstanden doorgeven?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Is energie zonder waarborgsom mogelijk?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Welke energieleverancier is het voordeligst?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Is het mogelijk een Spoedaanvraag te doen?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Help ik ben ongewenst overgestapt, wat nu?!

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

  • Hoe werkt dat met boetes, na 1 juli 2023?

    File a claim through our mobile app, our website or by calling *5555. We'll ask you some basic questions to get started.

    An experienced expert will get in touch with you, and will guide you through the rest of the process. He or she may also ask more detailed questions to ensure your claim is processed smoothly and quickly.

Info over Energieleveranciers



Essent is een van de grootste. De energieleverancier heeft momenteel c.a. 2,1 miljoen klanten. Essent is tevens eigenaar van dochter Beide gevestigd te Willemsplein 4 in Den Bosch.

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Protect yourself and other passengers in case of an accident.

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Protect your home's infrastructure and contents.

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Business insurance

Protect yourself against lawsuits and natural disasters.

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Wist je dat?

Vele huishoudens dit jaar niet (volledig) de energienota kunnen betalen? Weet jij waarom..?

Vraag advies

# QUIZ antwoord = door inflatie en dure energieprijzen tijdens crisis



Wind Insurance helped me start securing the future of my family, to ensure my baby girl could afford college when the time comes.

 Dalia H.


It puts my mind at ease to know that my home is protected in case natural disaster strikes, or if a serious problem arises.

 Dalia H.


It's never too late to start thinking of the day your family will have to go on without you, and to give them the fi

 Dalia H.

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